The responsibility of the Mayor is to ensure that all council members are encouraged to express their opinion, that everyone’s voice needs to be heard. Each council member needs to know that their opinion is valued.
It is important that we as council members listen to all residents and bring their concerns forward. We represent all residents not just those that we agree with or who have the same opinion as we do.
For All
We have been elected by the residents of Georgian Bluff. It is not important to the residents that council members like each other, but that we work together respectfully in the best interests of the residents.
Making a Difference
I see the role of Mayor as that of one who serves council, staff and residents to create an environment that promotes the best decision making process is followed by council and staff on all issues to be sure the majority of residents are represented.

I've had the pleasure of being on township council for 8 years and on County Council for 4 years.
Climate Change
I am a proud member of the Georgian Bluffs Climate Action Committee and am Chair of the Grey County Climate Change Task Force.
I'm a firm believer in education for council, to further our skills and expand our mindset on the concerns and issues at hand
As Deputy Mayor I have served on the Joint BioDigester Board of Management as well as the Intertownship Fire Department Board
Chair of the former standing committee Finance and Recreation and Property. Member of Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Board of Management and the Foundation Committee.
A Strong supporter of our Recreation and Trails Master Plan, a plan that needs to be implemented and expanded upon.

"I will bring a different style of leadership to Georgian Bluffs council. I see the role of Mayor as that of one who serves council, staff, and residents to create an environment that promotes the best descision making process is followed by council and staff on all issues to be sure the majority of residents are represented."
Sue Carleton
Recreation & Trails Master Plan
The Recreation & Trails Master Plan needs to be implemented and expanded upon. This needs to be a living document with timelines. Further input is needed from residents, staff and council
What are the options for its continued operation. Should it be the joint municipalities responsibility, are there other partners who could or should be included, what are the other options?
Heritage, culture and history
Create a record of the history of the various settlement areas in the township, have these accessible on the website through use of QR codes on signage. Record the history of the local cemeteries, where are they, with record of burials – also available on the township website and easily accessible to interested persons.
Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan needs to have the timelines updated, does it reflect the current needs of the municipality?
New Official Plan
This needs to include rules and regulations for Short Term
Communication with residents
Communication with residents continues to be an area of concern. How do we efficiently get messages out to the residents who have diverse ways of getting information? In the past, many relied on the newspaper and radio but that is not true today, many are looking to social media for their information and need to be included. We need to understand how our residents will access information in order to provide it in the formats and ways that they will use it without excluding anyone.
Development Charges Study
It's been eight years since the last report was presented. Again is it relevant to the needs of the municipality now.
Climate Action Plan
How can we work with the county? Do we need a specific plan of our own? We need to continue exploring the needs and options of the municipality regarding agriculture needs, residential needs, how are we affecting our local environment now and into the future.
Succession planning
This needs to happen for staff and council. How do we plan for the future needs of the municipality and ensure we have the qualified staffing in place. How do we create an environment that creates loyalty to the township. What training is needed for staff and council members to be sure each knows their role and responsibility.
Georgian Bluffs Events
All I can say is WOW! I had the best of intentions to keep this area of the website up to date and discover that it has been almost two years since the election and I have done nothing to the website, I have done lots in my role as Mayor which is why the website has been left undone.
As a recap for the past two years, Mike Smith was not able to join us on council so Isaac Shouldice stepped into his spot on council. I think we have a great mix of people on council who bring a lot of different skill sets, which is a huge benefit for the residents of Georgian Bluffs.
We have collaborated with the City of Owen Sound for yard waste, building department and an inspector with Intertownship Fire Department. And we are working on a solution for the Pottawatomi Water System with the city as well. A great example of how we can work with our neighbours in ways that benefit everyone.
We are currently working on an updated Strategic Plan, an Official Plan, a Community Improvement Plan, Short Term Accomodations, and looking at the Recreation and Trails Master Plan. This is just the tip of what staff have been directed to bring back to council.
There is so much still to be done and I know that we have wonderful staff in place who are extremely knowledgeable and able to assist council make the best decisions for the township.
I am proud to be your Mayor and hope you will reach out to me with any comments or concerns.